Published August 3, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Cloud Data De Duplication in Multiuser Environment DeposM2


Nowadays, cloud computing produce a huge amount of sensitive data, such as personal Information, financial data, and electronic health records, social media data. And that causes duplication of data and that suffers to storage and performance of cloud system. Data De Duplication has been widely used to eliminate redundant storage overhead in cloud storage system to improve IT resources efficiency. However, traditional techniques face a great challenge in big data De Duplication to strike a sensible tradeoff between the conflicting goals of scalable De Duplication throughput and high duplicate elimination ratio. De Duplication reduces the space and bandwidth requirements of data storage services, and is most effective when applied across multiple users, a common practice by cloud storage offerings. I study the privacy implications of cross user De Duplication. Thus, an interesting challenging problem is how to deduplicate multimedia data with a multi user environment and propose an efficient system to overcome these types of problems. In this paper, I introduce a new primitive called Depos M2 which gives a partial positive answer for these challenging problem. I propose two phases De Duplication and proof of storage, where the first one allows De Duplication of data and letter one allows proof of storage that means give permission to respective user i.e. owner of that file. Mr. Kaustubh Borate | Prof. Bharti Dhote "Cloud Data De-Duplication in Multiuser Environment: DeposM2" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019, URL:


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