Published April 14, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Effects of 5E learning Cycle Model on Achievement in Social Science of Std 8


Education is the most potent instrument of individual development, social transformation and means of national development. It helps to individual to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes, which enable them to develop their faculties in full and thereby improve the quality of life for themselves, their communities and the nation as a whole. The objective of the study is to find the effect of 5 E learning cycle model on Achievement in Social Science in Std. 8 . The lesson transcript for teaching selected content based on 5E learning cycle model developed by Rodger Bybee of 'The Biological Science Curriculum Study is planned for study. The sample of the study has been selected in two stages. Purposive sampling technique was adopted for selecting the schools from Surat city, than two sections of eighth standard in both the schools lottery method was used to select the classes for the experiment. The section consisted of 60 students. Randomized pretest posttest match design was adopted as the research design for the study The mean, standard deviation, 't' test and ANOVA are the statistical technique used. It is concluded that it is significant difference on Achievement score of Experimental and control group and 5E learning cycle model is more effective in enhancing Achievement in Social Science when compared to Traditional Method. Devangna Anilbhai Patel "Effects of 5E learning Cycle Model on Achievement in Social Science of Std-8" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3 , April 2019, URL:


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