Published December 19, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The state of marine fisheries in Montenegro in the last 15 years

  • 1. Institute of Marine Biology, University of Montenegro


Marine fisheries in Montenegro are divided into two main categories: commercial fisheries which are divided into large-scale and small-scale fisheries (classification based on the length of the vessel as well as type, size and number of fishing gears) and sport and recreational fisheries.

Institute of Marine Biology is the only institution in Montenegro that collects biological data related to marine fisheries. The official data on the catch of marine fish by species in Montenegro is collected, processed and published by MONSTAT (Bureau of Statistics). Montenegro, as a responsible member of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, deeply respects the principles and efforts that this body implements in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.

Montenegrin scientists and administration actively participate in all working groups related to fisheries and resource conservation issues. Unfortunately, unlike all the other Adriatic countries which have modernized and renewed their trawling fleet pretty much in the previous period, Montenegro was not been able to do the same. This is why Montenegrin fishing fleet even today consists of very old vessels, with an average age of around 40 years, low capacity, outdated, lowpower engines, very limited range of motion due to the insufficient safety at sea, and overall quite limited possibilities for smooth operation.



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