Published October 26, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Performance Enhancement of Information Hiding in FM and AM with Rician Channel


In hands free telephony and in teleconference systems, the main aim is to provide a good free voice quality when two or more people communicate from different places. The problem often arises during the conversation is the creation of acoustic echo. This problem will cause the bad quality of voice signal and thus talkers could not hear clearly the content of the conversation, even though lost the important information. This acoustic echo is actually the noise which is created by the reflection of sound waves by the wall of the room and the other things exist in the room. The main objective for engineers is the cancellation of this acoustic echo and provides an echo free environment for speakers during conversation. For this purpose, scientists design different adaptive filter algorithms. Our paper is also to study and simulate the acoustics echo cancellation by using different adaptive filter algorithms, to compare and analyze the performance of LMS, NLMS and UNANR on the basis of SNR and PSNR, using MATLAB R2012a. Sandeep Barod | Deepak Pancholi | Mukesh Patidar "Performance Enhancement of Information Hiding in FM and AM with Rician Channel" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-1 | Issue-6 , October 2017, URL:


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