Published December 16, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Correlation Analysis of Characteristics of Farmers with Their Extent of Adoption of Eco Friendly Agricultural Practices


The study was conducted in Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu state in South India. Tirunelveli district is predominantly an agricultural district with more than 70 per cent of the population directly or indirectly associated with agriculture. Tirunelveli district is having all the four different types of cropping systems, considered for the study, viz., wetland, garden land, and dry land systems as well as high elevation cropping system in considerable proportion as compared to other districts of the state. The data were collected by interviewing the respondents personally with the help of Pre tested and well structured interview schedule. The data were processed, coded and tabulated. Statistical analysis like percentage analysis, cumulative frequency distribution and zero order correlation coefficient were used for analyzing and interpreting the data. The correlation analysis on the characteristics of the farmers revealed that out of fourteen independent variables studied, five variables namely educational status X2 , farming experience X5 , cosmopolites X8 , information sharing behaviour X11 and attitude towards eco friendly practices X14 had shown positive and significant association with the extent of adoption of eco friendly agricultural practices at 0.01 per cent level probability, while the variables viz., livestock possession X10 and extension agency contact X9 , mass media exposure X10 , self confidence X13 had shown positive and significant association with the adoption of eco friendly agricultural practices at 0.05 per cent level probability. V. Kalirajan | K. Kanagasabapathi "Correlation Analysis of Characteristics of Farmers with Their Extent of Adoption of Eco-Friendly Agricultural Practices" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-1 , December 2018, URL:


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