Published February 10, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Current Scenario of Health Insurance in India A Study Comprising Various Challenges and Measures for IT



While considering the all round development of a nation, health of its citizens is an inevitable part. But in many case it is seen that, especially in low income countries, people have to suffer a lot while accessing healthcare services. Out of pocket expenses for getting healthcare services make people vulnerable. In such a scenario, health insurance can be a very important mechanism for healthcare financing. Especially in a country like India where Government spends only 1.4 of GDP in healthcare, an efficient health insurance system is of dire necessity. In India, Health insurance is not as famous as life insurance. Although, health insurance penetration is growing but, still only less than one fifth of India's population are covered with any kind of Insurance coverage. Health Insurance market faces many challenges including adverse selection, moral hazard, low awareness, lack of responsible authorities, etc. which really discourages the performance of health insurance in India. This paper mainly tries to give an overview of the health insurance system in India along with the problems and challenges faced by it. Kunuma Das "Current Scenario of Health Insurance in India: A Study Comprising Various Challenges and Measures for IT" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-2 , February 2018, URL:


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