Published December 12, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Membrane Transporters in Citrus clementina Fruit Juice-Derived Nanovesicles


The cellular vesicle is a fluid-filled structure separated from the surrounding environment by a biological membrane. Here, we isolated nanovesicles (NVs) from the juice of clementines using a discontinuous density gradient ultracentrifugation method. To gain information about the protein content of vesicles, mass spectrometry-based organelle proteomics and bioinformatics were applied to the exosome-like vesicle fraction isolated in the 1 mol/L sucrose/D2O cushion. Analysis of 1018 identified proteins revealed a highly complex mixture of different intra, extracellular and artificially-formed vesicle populations. In particular, clathrin-coated vesicles were significantly expressed in this sample. Membrane transporters are significantly represented in clementines nanovesicles. We have found 162 proteins associated with the transport Gene Ontology term (GO: 0006810) which includes; 71 transmembrane transport related, 53 vesicle mediated and 50 intracellular transporters. Platellin-3 like carrier protein containing a Sec14 domain is known to have a role in plant-virus interaction and that is one of the most abundant proteins in our dataset. The presence of transmembrane transporters like ATPases, aquaporins, ATP Binding Cassette (ABC) transporters and tetraspanins, regulators of protein trafficking suggests that nanovesicles of clementines can actively interact with their environment in a controlled way.


Membrane Transporters in Citrus clementina Fruit Juice-Derived Nanovesicles.pdf

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European Commission
VES4US – Extracellular vesicles from a natural source for tailor-made nanomaterials 801338