Published November 30, 2019 | Version 2.0
Project deliverable Open

euCanSHare. Deliverables D2.1 - Initial Infrastructure framework and documentation

  • 1. Barcelona Supercomputing Center


euCanSHare deliverable D2.1 reporting on the initial infrastructure of the framework and documentation.

Abstract: EuCanSHare aims to establish a unified environment for cardiovascular data sharing and analysis. The euCanSHare data platform will provide support for i) a unified Data Catalogue combining in a single site all data managed by the project; ii) a platform to manage data access credentials; iii) a computational platform that combines controlled access to data, analysis and visualization tools.
This document describes the technological foundations of the euCanSHare data portal. It is a cloud-based environment providing the computational infrastructure for data management and analysis, an authentication and authorization system, and the necessary user interfaces. The document is organized as follows: Section 1 describes the motivation and overall strategy; section 2 summarizes the design of the infrastructure; software components are described in detail in section 3 and finally, section 4 outlines the development roadmap until the release of the first complete prototype (M24).


This deliverable has been produced in the context of the euCanSHare ("An EU-Canada joint infrastructure for next-generation multi-Study Heart research") Research and Innovation Action, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme (grant agreement No 825903), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé under the framework of Canada‐EU Commission Flagship Collaboration for Human data storage, integration and sharing.



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