Published September 9, 2019 | Version v1
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Bio-economy products: alternative uses of trees (PA)


Trees are one of the two possible types of the woody perennial component of the agroforestry systems. When introducing trees in an arable land within silvoarable agroforestry practices framework, one of the main concerns is related with the possible use of the tree products, either coppiced, either managed as a high stand. Independently of the tree plot frame, either even or unevenly distributed within or in the borders of the plots, trees should be managed which is usually associated to either the pruning or the thinning, therefore, to the production of woody biomass. The use of this woody biomass could be one of the main reasons to include all the benefits of agroforestry in agricultural plots linked to the bioeconomy concept described by the Global Bioeconomy Summit in 2015: "the knowledge-based" production and utilization of biological resources, innovative biological processes and principles to sustainably provide goods and services across all economic sectors". The current broadly use of the trees, timber, pulp and paper should be expanded to other uses such as textiles, bioplastics chemicals, among others.



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