Published July 22, 2021 | Version 1
Dataset Open

Extention to the TNBC dataset, brain section and cell type

  • 1. RIKEN AIP
  • 2. Centre Henri Becquerel - Unicancer\
  • 3. Centre Henri Becquerel - Unicancer
  • 4. RIKEN AIP -- Kyoto University


This dataset is partly an extension of the TNBC dataset that can be found in the following link:

In particular, we give the cellular type annotations of each annotated cell.
In addition to the TNBC, we added 18 annotated images of brain section downloaded from the TCGA.
This is still officially unpublished and has been submitted.
Currently, if you use this dataset please our paper "Scale dependant layer for self-supervised nuclei encoding" by Peter Naylor, Yao-Hung Hubert Tsai, Marick Laé and Makoto Yamada.


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