Published November 5, 2012 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

A Methodological Approach for Multi-Service DSTE Network Performance Evaluation under Bandwidth Allocation Methods and Path Selection Constraints

  • 1. Salvador University - UNIFACS
  • 2. Salvador UNIversity - UNIFACS


Path selection and bandwidth management have a number of different routing protocols (CSPF, OSPF, other), bandwidth allocation models (BAMs) and overall implementation approaches like RDM (Russian Doll Model) , Adapt-RDM, GRDM (Generalized Russian Dolls Model) and AllocTC-sharing that can be used in the context of a multiservice DS-TE (DiffServ Aware - MPLS Traffic Engineering) network.  This paper initially identifies the path selection and bandwidth allocation model (BAM) solutions currently used. Subsequently, it proposes a generic performance evaluation methodology in order to deal with the modeling and implementation scenarios resulting from different routing protocols and BAM options available. The focus adopted is, fundamentally, to provide managers with a methodological approach consisting of a set of steps that can be used to deal with the issues such as network configuration and performance evaluation in the context of multi-service DS-TE networks under BAM constraints. It is expected that the proposed methodological approach could reduce the inherent difficulties found by managers in dealing with BAM model application in multi-service DS-TE networks.


DS-TE Evaluation Methodological Approach - Final Version.pdf

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  • W. Lai, "Bandwidth constraints models for Diffserv-aware MPLS traffic engineering: performance evaluation", IETF, RFC 4128, June 2005.
  • F. Le Faucheur and W. Lai, " Maximum allocation bandwidth constraints model for DiffServ-aware MPLS traffic engineering", IETF, RFC 4125, June 2005.
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  • R. Reale, J. Martins and W. Pinto Neto, "Modelo de Alocação de Banda com Compartilhamento Oportunista entre Classes de Tráfego e Aplicações em Redes Multiserviço", Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos SBRC, Campo Grande - MS, 2011.
  • D. Adami, C. Callegari, S. Giordano M. Pagano and M. Toninelli, "G-RDM: a New Bandwidth Constraints Model for DS-TE networks", Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM 2007.
  • F. Le Faucheur (b), "Protocol Extensions for Support of DiffServ-aware MPLS Traffic Engineering", IETF, RFC 4124, June 2005.
  • M. Macdougall, "Simulating Computer Systems Techniques and Tools",The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press. 1987.