Published June 18, 2006 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Multivariate Space-Time Estimation of Hidraulic Head, in the Queretaro-Obrajuelo Valley

  • 1. Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua
  • 2. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


In this work a space-time method for multivariate estimation was used, considering the hydraulic head in different years as different variables but correlated in time. This type of method allows to increase the information used in the estimation of the hydraulic head for every year. The method was applied to estimate the hydraulic head in three different years in the aquifer Valle de Querétaro- Obrajuelo, Mexico, obtaining good results for cross validation and in the sense that when using the information of the three years jointly, some characteristics of the piezometric head configurations are clearly observed that are not when only the data of the considered year are used.


Presenters: name: Herrera, Graciela affiliation: Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua



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