Finite element meshes of conceptual designs for a fusion energy heat exchange component (monoblock) for Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) of in-service conditions
Image-Based Simulation (IBSim) mesh and temperature analysis results:
Finite element meshes of conceptual designs for a fusion energy heat exchange component (monoblock).
The dataset includes three meshes:
- CCFE_ThBr_CAD (mesh created by with a computer aided design (CAD) package)
- CCFE_ThBr_IBFEM (hybrid CAD and IBSim mesh, manufactured version of CCFE_ThBr_CAD)
- IPP_WfCu_IBFEM_3MB (hybrid CAD and IBSim mesh, tungsten fibre-copper matrix composite pipe with tungsten armour)
For the the hybrid meshes, the IBSim part is generated directly from a 3D volumetric images of the real manufactured parts and as such includes microscale features introduced during the manufacturing stage. The 3D images were generated with X-ray and neutron tomography, the datasets are available at the links below. Conversion of the data to FE mesh was achieved using ScanIP, part of the Simpleware suite of programmes, version 7 (Synopsys Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA).
X-ray CT data:
Neutron CT data:
The FE mesh data uses the EnSight Gold file format and may be visualised using Paraview ( Results for a thermal analysis performed with ParaFEM ( are included.
This data was used originally for the following publication (please cite if re-using the data):
Ll.M. Evans, T. Minniti, T. Barrett, A. v. Müller, L. Margetts, “Virtual qualification of novel heat exchanger components with the image-based finite element method”, e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing (NDT) ISSN 1435-4934, Issue: 2019-03, No. 23660.
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- Is referenced by
- Conference paper: (URL)
- Is supplement to
- Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.3533420 (DOI)
- Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.3533418 (DOI)
- UK Research and Innovation
- UK Magnetic Fusion Research Programme EP/I501045/1
- UK Research and Innovation
- Inline virtual qualification from 3D X-ray imaging for high-value manufacturing EP/R012091/1