Published June 17, 2019 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

SEMIoTICS Architectural Framework: End-to-end Security, Connectivity and Interoperability for Industrial IoT

  • 1. FORTH
  • 2. Siemens
  • 3. Sphynx Technology Solutions AG
  • 4. Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
  • 5. ST
  • 6. Engineering
  • 7. University of Passau
  • 8. Iquadrat
  • 9. BlueSoft


Next generation networks, as the Internet of Things (IoT), aim to create open and global networks for connecting smart objects, network elements, applications, web services and end-users. Research and industry attempt to integrate this evolving technology and the exponential growth of IoT by overcoming significant hurdles such as dynamicity, scalability, heterogeneity and end-to-end security and privacy. Motivated by the above, SEMIoTICS proposes the development of a pattern-driven framework, built upon existing IoT platforms, to enable and guarantee secure and dependable actuation and semi-autonomic behaviour in IoT/IIoT applications. Hence, in this paper, we describe the design of the SEMIoTICS architecture that addresses the aforementioned challenges. Specifically, the functional components of the proposed architecture are presented including also an overview of the appropriate realization mechanisms. Finally, we map two verticals in the areas of energy and health care and one horizontal in the areas of intelligent sensing use-cases scenarios to the suggested architecture in order to demonstrate its applicability to different IoT enabling platforms, types of smart objects, devices and networks.


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SEMIoTICS – Smart End-to-end Massive IoT Interoperability, Connectivity and Security 780315
European Commission