Published April 22, 2012 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A Universal Bit Level Block Encoding Technique Using Session Based Symmetric Key Cryptography to Enhance the Information Security

  • 1. Dept. of Comp. Application, JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani, West Bengal, India
  • 2. Dept. of C.S.E., Kalyani University, Kalyani, West Bengal, India


In this paper a session based symmetric key cryptographic algorithm has been proposed and it is termed as Matrix Based Bit Jumbling Technique (MBBJT). MBBJT consider the plain text (i.e. the input file) as a binary bit stream with finite number bits. This input bit stream is divided into manageable-sized blocks with different length. The bits of the each block fit diagonally upward starting from ( n , n ) cell in a right to left trajectory into a square matrix of suitable order n. Then the bits are taken from the square matrix columnwise from top to bottom to form the encrypted binary string and from this encrypted string cipher text is formed. Combination of the values of block length and the no. of blocks of a session generates the session key. For decryption the cipher text is considered as a stream of binary bits. After processing the session key information, this binary string is divided into blocks. The bits of the each block fit column-wise from top to
bottom into a square matrix of order n. Now bits are taken diagonally upward starting from ( n , n ) cell in a right to left trajectory from the square matrix to form the decrypted binary string. Plain text is regenerated from this binary string. Comparison of MBBJT with existing and industrially accepted TDES
and AES has been done. 



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