Traditionally, the problem of muscle spasticity was considered by experts as a kind of local problem associated with the inhibition or traumatisation of the central motor neuron in a certain part of its path. According to this approach, only the first stage of the causal relationship of the two systems was reflected: the nervous and the muscular systems. In the following, intrasystem relations of the muscle and muscle complex appeared according to the type of harmonization or destructivization of the activity of this system. To resolve this problematic situation, the article examines the original theory of Thomas V. Myers about “anatomical trains” or “myofascial meridians” as an integral musculoskeletal system of the human body, which forms the basis of its anatomy and motor activity. Key ideas of tensegrity as a structure of balanced compression-tension of the musculoskeletal system are identified, and it is necessary to rush to the targets, carrying out the correction of motor disorders of the tender age children with paresis of central type by means of physical education. For deeper understanding of the activities of these mechanisms of children myofascial status harmonization, the main myofascial lines were briefly characterized: surface back line, surface frontal line, lateral line, spiral line, arm lines. On this basis, working hypothesis was formulated as for using the holistic myofascial system capabilities of the child’s body to correct both the tonic state of individual spastic muscles and to improve the general children motor status. To check the formulated hypothesis, the directions of the implementation of correctively directed physical education of tender age children with central paresis of different localization levels were indicated. An attempt was made to use the basic knowledge of the myofascial meridians functioning to increase the efficiency of diagnosing the state of musculoskeletal formations of children with spastic paresis, developing strategies and tactics for correcting their tonic state, methods and techniques for adjusting the balance of compression and tension of these structures to improve children motor activity and to improve the efficiency of their basic motor regimes mastering. There was made a fundamental conclusion that the correctional work by means of physical education should be preceded by preparatory work aimed at normalization of the whole myofascial system of a child with a spastic type of movement disorders, which can be carried out using purely medical techniques and the techniques based on the means of children physical education. Prospects of the scientific and practical development of the problem indicated in this article are highlighted separately.
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