Published August 4, 2016 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Logging the Internet of Things - Connected power plants demand a new paradigm

  • 1. scip AG



  • 1. scip AG


The log is born to inform humans about the status of a specific system, just in case of a problem, as record of what happened. Some times – a good example: xen_netfront: xennet: skb rides the rocket: 21 slots – the message sounds like a joke*: is the human-human communication. In the wonderful world of SIEM (Security Information and Event Management), the plethora of messages generated by different (part of) systems was interpreted and correlated: processed or – better – pre-processed by machine for the end-human-user. In the era of the IoT [1] (Internet of Things), we will assist in a basic paradigm change: the message generated by a machine will be used by another machine, not by a human.


This paper was written in 2016 as part of a research project at scip AG, Switzerland. It was initially published online at and is available in English and German. Providing our clients with innovative research for the information technology of the future is an essential part of our company culture.


Logging the Internet of Things - Connected power plants demand a new paradigm.pdf