Published October 29, 2019 | Version 1
Project deliverable Open

SPHINX Architecture (the first version)


  • 1. EDGENEERING LDA, Portugal


This document describes the architecture of the SPHINX Solution, presenting the initial version of the system’s high-level design, concerning SPHINX main building blocks, top-level components and detailed technical specifications, including data flows and interfaces. In particular, this document provides an overview and the main outcomes of the work performed by the SPHINX Consortium on the SPHINX architectural design, as part of Task 2.5 - SPHINX Architecture and Detailed Technical Specs.
The SPHINX main building blocks are the Device Verification and Certification Module, the Automated Cyber Security Risk Assessment Module, the Cyber Security Toolkit Module, the Decision Support System and Analytics Engine Module and the Common Integration Platform Module. These modules are then detailed into a set of twenty-one key components, presented in terms of functional description, technical specifications, and interface specifications, supported by dedicated component diagrams that highlight the workflow and interaction among the different SPHINX components. In addition, this document includes a set of general technical specifications addressing elements of security, reliability, interoperability, and scalability.
The key innovation attained in this document is therefore the architectural design of the novel SPHINX concept, focusing on the proactive assessment and mitigation of cyber security vulnerabilities and threats, the verification and certification of medical devices and equipment, as well as the preservation of healthcare data privacy and integrity.


SPHINX D2.3-SPHINX Architecture v1-v1.00.pdf

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European Commission
SPHINX – A Universal Cyber Security Toolkit for Health-Care Industry 826183