Dataset of "Enhancement of impact heating in pressure-strengthened rocks in oblique impacts"
This dataset contains input files for iSALE-3D and sample of a python script for the paper "Enhancement of impact heating in pressure-strengthened rocks in oblique impacts" by S. Wakita et al.
Please note that usage of the iSALE-3D code is restricted to those who have contributed to the development of iSALE-2D, and iSALE-2D is distributed on a case-by-case basis to academic users in the impact community. It requires a registration from the iSALE webpage ( and usage of iSALE-2D and computational requirements are also shown in that page. Please also note that pySALEPlot in the current stable release of iSALE-2D (Dellen) would not work for the data from iSALE-3D.