Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Globothorax latidens Rosa, 2011, sp. nov.


Globothorax latidens sp. nov.

(Figs. 49–67, 76, 86–88, 90, 94, 98, 100, 104)

Etymology. From Latin, latus = broad, dens = dente, alluding to the large mandible of this species.

Diagnosis. Small size (3.5–7.0 mm long), mandibles large curved 90o to the apex (Fig. 51); labrum pentagonal acute at apex (Fig. 50), anterior margin of frons not carinate (Fig. 76); antenna surpassing the hind angles by 2–3 antennomeres; prothorax with sides strongly rounded (Fig. 54); mesocoxae open to mesepimeron and mesepisternum (Fig. 56); elytral striae with 3–4 irregular rows of punctures, ninth elytral interstice costiform at apex (Fig. 94); meso- and metatibiae convex with inner surface curved to the body, dorsal margin widened and curved ventrad, outer surface densely covered with stout and short spiniform setae (Figs. 87–88).

Description. Male (Fig. 104). Body convex, densely covered with fine and very short setae; setae yellowish and decumbent. Integument bright; evenly yellow ochre with mandibular tips darker or with dorsal surface yellow ochre to brown and ventral surface, legs and antennae lighter or with head and pronotum light to dark brown and elytra, ventral surface, legs and antennae light brown. Total length: 3.5–7.0 mm; elytra 2.9–3.1 times longer than prothorax; elytral base 1.0–1.1 times as wide as prothorax.

Head (Fig. 76). Base of head with a convex, smooth and bright area (Fig. 104); frons convex, anterior margin not carinate, straight, frontoclypeal region steeply declivous then about 45o inclined to base of labrum and 2.3–2.5 times wider than long. Punctures larger than the large punctures of pronotum, about 0.5 diameter apart. Antennal insertions lateral, visible from above. Antenna (Fig. 49) serrate from antennomere 3, surpassing the hind angles of pronotum at antennomere 8 or 9; antennomere 3 1.7 times longer than 2, 4 1.4 times longer than 3. Dorsal index of eye prominence 0.4. Labrum (Fig. 50) triangular or pentagonal with apex acute about 2 times wider than long with posterior margin fringed by long and wide setae, dorsal surface scarcely punctate with long and fine setae.

Mandible (Figs 51, 76) large with basal half narrow, lateral margin expanded laterally and curved 90o to the apex, unidentate; mesobasal margin with a small translucent area covered with microsetae, dorsal surface with a longitudinal very narrow carina. Maxilla (Fig. 53) with basistipe partly fused to medistipe, with a long stout seta and several finer, short setae; galea oval, densely setose; palpi long with short fine setae and longer stout setae. Labium (Fig. 52) with mentum rectangular to trapezoidal, densely setose on posterior angles; prementum longer than wide, emarginated on anteromedian margin, lateroanterior angles rounded, not produced, palpi long with several stout setae. Apical maxillary and labial palpomere securiform slightly constricted near apex.

Thorax. Prothorax (Figs. 54–56) 1.1–1.2 times wider than long, lateral margins strongly rounded, carinate on posterior 2/3 to 3/4. Pronotum convex with anteromedian margin produced forwards; homogeneously punctate, punctation double, smaller punctures predominant 0.5–1.0 diameters apart, larger punctures sparse and a little larger than the small punctures. Pronotal hind angles acute and narrow, slightly divergent. Hypomera (Fig. 56) with punctation double; notosternal suture straight. Prosternum (Fig. 56) about 1.4 times wider than long, homogenously punctate, punctation double. Prosternal process 2.3 times longer than coxal diameter, narrow, ventral surface posteriorly to coxae inclined 45o straight to apex (Fig. 55). Procoxal cavities open. Scutellar shield (Fig. 98) cordiform, gradually elevated above the level of mesoscutum (Fig. 100). Mesoventrite (Figs 57, 58) with apex narrow and long; edges of mesoventral cavity with anterior 1/3 higher and steeply declivous to posterior 2/3; posterior 2/3 gradually inclined 30o above the level of anterior region; mesoventral cavity parallel on anterior 1/3 then widened, rounded and convergent to apex. Mesocoxal cavity oval, open to mesepimeron and mesepisternum. Mesepisternum without transverse carina near the anterior inner angle; anterior inner angle rounded. Meso-metaventral suture impressed. Metaventrite with punctation double; metacoxal plate absent or very short decreasing in length laterad, reduced to a line on outer 3/4. Elytral striae (Fig. 94) with 3–4 irregular rows of small punctures, rows of adjacent striae continuous on basal, sutural and lateral regions; interstices 2–8 convex on apical region; flattened on anterior region; interstice 9 costiform at apex. Legs (Figs. 86–88). Metatrochanter and metafemur strongly convex, metatrochanter widened dorsoventrally. Protibia widened apicad, dorsal and apical margins with rows of stout and short spiniform setae, outer surface subglabrous or sparsely covered with fine setae; mesotibiae convex with inner surface curved to the body, dorsal margin expanded and rounded, dorsal and outer surfaces densely covered with stout and short spiniform setae; metatibiae convex with inner surface curved to the body, dorsal margin strongly expanded and rounded; dorsal and outer surfaces densely covered with stout and short spiniform setae. Tibial spurs about 0.5–0.7 as long as tarsomere 1; tarsomeres simple, sparsely covered with fine and spiniform setae.

Abdomen (Fig. 60) tapered from base to apex, with punctures umbilicate increasing in diameter from the ventrite 1 to 5, 1–2 diameters apart. Ventrite 1 4.3 times longer on lateral border than at middle, hind angles of ventrites 1–2 right, 3–4 acute, ventrite 5 triangular or pentagonal with apex acute and produced. Tergite 8 (Fig. 61) evenly sclerotized, densely covered with microsetae, with several short setae on lateroposterior and posterior margins, anterior sclerotized border V-shaped emarginated. Sternite 8 (Fig. 62) pentagonal, with two rounded membranous areas anteriorly and short and long setae lateroposteriorly; apex inverted V-shaped notched. Sternite 9 (Fig. 64) parallel-sided, gradually tapering at apex, median anterior margin membranous, anterior median half translucent, apical region with short and elongate setae. Tergite 9 (Fig. 63) with anterior margin nearly straight, posterior lobes rounded laterally, tergite 10 (Fig. 63) suboval.

Aedeagus (Figs. 65–67). Parameres gradually narrowed to apex, apex flattened laterally with two setae and a membranous oblong area on ventral inner surface, articulated to penis by a transparent membrane. Penis with basal struts 0.5 times as long as its total length, median region between basal struts with a process, lateral sides posteriorly to basal struts rounded then abruptly narrowed and tapering to apex; ventral sclerite absent.

Type material. Holotype. [Cuiabá-MT, Faz. Mutuca, vale do R. Mutuca 4–11.X.2008, interceptação, J. R. M. Rocha, A. L. Silva & F. H. Gava col], male (MZUSP).

Paratypes. Same label as the holotype, 200 males (MZUSP), 20 males (UFMT). Idem, but 25.X.2008 52 males (MZUSP); 29.XI–6. XII.2008 9 males (MZUSP).

Ocurrence. BRAZIL. Mato Grosso state: Cuiabá.

Remarks. Thousands of male specimens of Globothorax latidens sp. nov. were collected from October to December with flight interception traps (FIT) with peak population in early October at the beginning of the rainy season. No females have been collected.


Published as part of Rosa, Simone Policena, 2011, New species of Triplonychus Candèze and Globothorax Fleutiaux from Brazil (Coleoptera, Elateridae, Cardiophorinae), pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 2831 on pages 13-21, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.277308


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Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Globothorax latidens Rosa, 2011