Published October 15, 2019 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D2.2 Functional Architecture Specifications and Functional Definition

  • 1. University of Bristol
  • 2. British Telecommunications
  • 3. TIM
  • 4. Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario Per Le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT)
  • 5. Adva Optical Networking
  • 6. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e)
  • 7. Openlightcomm
  • 8. Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo
  • 9. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)
  • 10. Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
  • 11. UPC
  • 12. exden Technologies
  • 13. UC3M
  • 14. POLIMI
  • 15. Zeetta Networks


The overall Metro-Haul objective is to architect and design cost-effective, energy-efficient, agile and programmable metro networks that are scalable for 5G access and future requirements, encom-passing the design of all-optical metro nodes (including full compute and storage capabilities), which interface effectively with both 5G access and multi-Tbit/s elastic core networks.
This document includes specifications and a high-level description of the overall Metro-Haul archi-tecture considering 5G and vertical service requirements and KPIs defined in D2.1. A description of the functional architecture is provided including a detailed functional and performance description of the individual layers of this structure and their interaction. This includes the high-level architec-ture of the AMEN/MCEN node, metro-optical network and the control, management and orchestra-tion systems. Based on the described functional architecture, a sample workflow and detailed func-tion of the Metro-Haul demo use cases accompanies this deliverable.


D2.2 Functional Architecture Specifications and Functional Definition.pdf

Additional details


European Commission
METRO-HAUL – METRO High bandwidth, 5G Application-aware optical network, with edge storage, compUte and low Latency 761727