Research Communication Processes in Public Administration
The article is devoted to the study of communication processes in the public administration system. The feasibility of the study is confirmed by the fact that the global transformation of an industrial society into an information and communicative society that occurs in the modern world is accompanied not only by the rapid quantitative and qualitative transformation of the information sphere and the emergence and development of a completely new type of communicative structures and processes in all spheres of society, but and a profound rethinking of the communicative nature of social reality, modern changes in the social-communicative sphere, the place and role of communication in the development of society. As the content and structure of society, social organizations and institutions become more complex, the number of information increases (scientific, artistic, political, household, etc.). This inevitably leads to an increase in the importance of social communication in management processes, which are accompanied by a fundamental transformation not only of the technology but also of the social, sociocultural basis of the post-industrial, information society. Communication has acquired signs of the most important function of any system, including in the sphere of government, which is directly a product of human interaction, based on the achievement of mutual understanding and agreement, primarily due to communicative interactions. Communication processes are considered in the article as a key integrated system of state management of social processes in the country, the main translator of information between citizens and state institutions. According to the results of the work, the author emphasized that competent communication is one of the necessary conditions for successful government management, the effectiveness of which is comparable to the possession of advanced means of production.
Антонова Ю. П., Савченко И. А. .pdf
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