Published February 28, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Liberalization of Trade and Its Impact on the Economics of Developing Countries in Africa: Case Study of Some Selected Developing Africa Countries

  • 1. Executive Dean-Director of Division of Open Economy & Industry Development Jiangsu University, School of Finance and Economics, Zhenjiang, China
  • 2. Overseas Education College School of Finance and Economics, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China


This study's aims at realizing impacts of liberalization in trade, on the economic growth in some selected developing Africa economies by augmenting in line with standard production function. A panel fix effect model was used in estimating the impacts of the macroeconomic variables in the economic growth. Real GDP in millions of USareusedforproxyineconomicgrowth.Thecapitalstockseries,ineachcross−section,weregeneratedfromtheformationofgrossfixcapital,andthatofGDPfromtradewasalsotakenaproxyforliberalizationoftrade.Outcomes−Resultshowsapositive,significantimpactontheselectedmacroeconomicvariables,toeconomicgrowth,except,thatontradeliberalizationindex.Aunitincreasedintradeliberalization,deteriorateseconomicgrowth,inanyofthesedevelopingcountriesby−280.86millionUS. The Implications of this paper - The significant negative impact indicates the relatively greater share of import than exports. These developing nations should develop production side and adopt export promotion policies besides controlling of cutting down on importation in achieving the sustainable growth. Uniqueness - This study used an augmented production function, constructed capital stock in each individual country


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