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Published October 9, 2019 | Version 0.0.5
Software Open

openforcefield/propertyestimator: 0.0.5 Fix For Merging of Estimation Requests

  • 1. University of Colorado, Boulder
  • 2. @openforcefield
  • 3. @volkamerlab + @choderalab


This release implements a fix for a major bug which caused incorrect results to be returned when submitting multiple estimation requests at the same time - namely, the returned results became jumbled between the different requests. As an example, if a request was made to estimate a data set using the smirnoff99frosst force field, and then straight after with the gaff 1.81 force field, the results of the smirnoff99frosst request may contain some properties estimated with gaff 1.81 and vice versa.

This issue does not affect cases where only a single request was made and completed at a time (i.e the results of the previous request completed before the next estimation request was made).

A richer version of these release notes with live links to API documentation is available on our ReadTheDocs page

See our installation instructions.

Please report bugs, request features, or ask questions through our issue tracker.

Please note that this is a pre-alpha release and there will still be major changes to the API prior to a stable 1.0.0 release.

  • PR #119: Fixes gather task merging.
  • PR #121: Update to distributed 2.5.1.



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