Investigating the effects of retaining riparian forest buffer zones of differing width on stream channel geomorphology
- 1. Imperial College London
To monitor temporal stream shape change over a gradient of RBZ widths, channel cross section measurements were continued at preestablished points that have been present since 2011. The points are marked with 0.4-metre-long PVC pipes that are spray painted yellow for easier identification and surrounding bedrock or roots are also marked at the exact location of the pipes in case a pipe should be eroded away in future. Channel cross sections were calculated using a standardised method. Cross- sectional area (CSA) measurement was repeated for every pre-established cross section point along the stream. These were located 250 m apart and numbered 4- 10, depending on the accessibility of the trails upstream. The stream with a '0 metre' buffer, for instance, had only four measurement points due to a steep waterfall which could not be passed. The CSA of these stream points were re-measured on a yearly basis in 2011 - 2014, 2018 and 2019.
Project: This dataset was collected as part of the following SAFE research project: Investigating the effects of retaining riparian forest buffer zones of differing width on stream channel geomorphology.
XML metadata: GEMINI compliant metadata for this dataset is available here
Files: This consists of 1 file: Template_cross_sections.xlsx
This file contains dataset metadata and 1 data tables:
Stream cross section measurements (described in worksheet CrossSections)
Description: Cross section measurements
Number of fields: 7
Number of data rows: 8377
- Identity: Original site label in field data (Field type: id)
- Stream: Stream transect (Field type: location)
- Site: Location of stream cross section (Field type: location)
- DistanceAcross: Distance across the stream at which the measurement was taken (Field type: numeric)
- Height: Stream depth (Field type: numeric)
- BaseMaterial: Ground cover at the measurement point (Field type: categorical)
- Date: Date cross section was measured (Field type: date)
Date range: 2011-01-12 to 2019-03-30
Latitudinal extent: 4.6314 to 4.7345
Longitudinal extent: 117.4554 to 117.6414
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