Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kedudukan akta dibawah tangan dan akta notarill. Dalam kasus ini Putusan Nomor 738/Pdt.6/2016/PN.Sby menyatakan batal akta jual beli antara Nyonya Hierawati dan Nyonya Maria Magda. Putusan Pengadilan Negeri tersebut dikuatkan oleh Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Nomor 83/PDT/2018/PT.SBY. Akta jual beli yang merupakan akta otentik yang memiliki kekuatan pembuktian yang sempurna dan mengikat ( Pasal 1867 KUHPer ), sedangkan Surat pernyataan yang merupakan akta di bawah tangan, kekuatan pembuktiannya hilang apabila disangkal dan dalam putusan ini pihak tergugat tidak membenarkan isi dari surat pernyataan tersebut. Bahwa sesuai dengan yurisprudensi MA RI Nomor 167 K/SIP/1959 menyatakan bahwa jika tanda tangan surat yang merupakan akta dibawah tangan diakui namun isi dari akta dibawah tangan itu disangkal maka nilai kekuatan formil dan pembuktian surut tersebut runtuh dan anjlok. Sehingga akta jual beli tidak dapat dibatalkan oleh surat pernyataan yang merupakan akta di bawah tangan.
Kata Kunci : Akta notarial, Akta dibawah Tangan, Akta Jual Beli, Surat Pernyataan
This research aims to determine the position of the privately made deed and notarial deed. In this case, the District Court Decision Number 738 / Pdt.6 / 2016 / PN.Sby stated that the deed of sale and purchase was canceled between Mrs. Hierawati and Mrs. Maria Magda. The District Court's decision is corroborated by the Decision of the High Court Number 83 / PDT / 2018 / PT. SBY. A sale and purchase deed from a notary is an authentic deed that has perfect and binding proof power (Article 1867 KUHPer), while the evidentiary power of a privately made deed is lost if denied by the party. In this case, the defendant does not acknowledge the contents of the statement. In accordance with the jurisprudence from the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 167 K / SIP / 1959, it is stated that a privately made deed is a binding proof is its content is acknowledged by the party. However if a privately made deed is denied by one of the party, it lost its evidentiary power. A sale and purchase deed from a notary cannot be canceled by a statement which is a privately made deed.
Keywords: Notarial Deed, Privately Made Deed, Sale and Purchase Deed, Statement Letter
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