Imaging spectroscopy and elemental mapping of Haughton impact melt rock: Datasets
Description of archived data for manuscript Greenberger et al. (accepted, JGR Planets)
This archive contains the data underlying the results reported in the following paper:
Greenberger, R. N., Ehlmann, B. L., Osinski, G. R., Tornabene, L. L., & Green, R. O. Compositional Heterogeneity of Impact Melt Rocks at the Haughton Impact Structure, Canada: Implications for Planetary Processes and Remote Sensing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, accepted.
1. ImageList.txt: Contains information required to connect sample names from paper with images, which often contain multiple samples.
2. FieldImages.tar.gz: Imaging spectroscopy files from images of outcrops in the field
3. LabImages.tar.gz: Imaging spectroscopy files from samples imaged in the laboratory
4. XRF_Data.tar.gz: Elemental mapping of cut samples via mapping x-ray fluorescence
Imaging spectroscopy files (for all below, * is image name from ImageList.txt):
1. *_SWIRcalib.img files: Laboratory images of samples processed to reflectance, including a dark current subtraction, line-by-line ratio to an image of Spectralon acquired with identical lighting, and correction for the reflectance properties of Spectralon. These files are stored with BIL interleave.
2. *_SWIRcalib.hdr files: Header files for (1).
3. *_SWIRcalib_atmcorr.img: Images of outcrops acquired in the field processed to reflectance, including instrument level corrections (dark current subtraction and flat field correction) and atmospheric correction (dark object subtraction and correction to in-scene Spectralon calibration target).
4. *_SWIRcalib_atmcorr.hdr: Header files for (3).
5. mask# and mask#.hdr: Masks and associated header files where the sample or region of interest has a value of 1 and outside of the sample or region of interest has a value of 0. Imaging spectroscopy measurements of multiple samples were sometimes acquired within the same image, and each sample has its own mask. ImageList.txt shows conversions from image and mask names to sample numbers. For files with no # after mask, only one sample or region of interest is present within the image.
6. *_SWIRcalibmask#_MAP, *_SWIRcalib_atmcorrmask_MAP, and corresponding .hdr files: These are image files with 12 bands, one for each lithologic classification in the paper, and associated header files. Values of 1 indicate that the lithology is present, and values of 0 indicate that it is absent. The mask files (5) were used to ignore areas outside of the sample or outcrop. The band named "Mixed 2.2 and 2.3 micron features" is Mixed Carbonate + Si-OH, and "Illite-y" is Illite-like. These files are stored with BSQ interleave.
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) data:
Each folder corresponds with measurements of a single sample. These are measurements of the same surfaces of some cut samples analyzed by imaging spectroscopy. ImageList.txt gives the corresponding image cubes. All exported elements are .tsv files and are in quantized relative counts as exported by the instrument software. Data for Mg are unreliable due to its low atomic number, as is typical for XRF.
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