Published October 2, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

WWV Centennial Run Recording of WWV 5 MHz from Daytona Beach, FL, U.S.A.


Festival of Frequency WWV 5 MHz Measurement Submission


UTC date: 10/01/19

beacon frequency:  5.000 MHz.  WWV

station name: N2MD

latitude and longitude and/or maidenhead grid square: 29:11:43 N, 80:59:54 W

city:  Daytona Beach

state:  Florida


AM detector was an Icom IC 720A

Signal generator Rigol DG4162  disciplined by a Jackson Labs Fury GPSDO

Soundcard SignaLink USB

Difficulties had:

Good 5 MHz reception was not possible for the full 24 hours.

Broadcast band interference above and below 5 MHz during some of the test may have interfered with results.


N2MD_29.11.43N 80.59.54W.csv

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