Published October 31, 2016 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Dearth of Entrepreneurship in Kotli Azad Jammu & Kashmir: The Role of Capital

  • 1. MS Scholar, Faculty of Administrative Sciences Kotli, University of Management Sciences and Information Technology Kotli Azad Kashmir
  • 2. Assistant Professor, Treasurer & PhD Scholar, Faculty of Administrative Sciences Kotli, University of Management Sciences and Information Technology Kotli Azad Kashmir
  • 3. Assisatnt Professor & Incharge Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities Kotli, University of Management Sciences and Information Technology Kotli Azad Kashmir.
  • 4. Lecturer and MS Scholar, Faculty of Administrative Sciences Kotli, University of Management Sciences and Information Technology Kotli Azad Kashmir.


This study investigates the factor capital which leads towards the dearthof entrepreneurship.Micro and macro enterprises play an important role in the economy of any country, but in Kotli Azad Jammu & Kashmir these enterprises are rare.This research was conducted through a self adminsteredquestionnaire. The sample size for this study was 100 and these organizations were facing the problems of entrepreneurial dearth. Data collected through questionnaire was statistically analyzed,correlation was used to test the research hypothesis. This study provides valuable insightsthat, one of the main reason of dearth of entrepreneurship islack of capital. Many entrepreneurs faced lot of problem in accessing the finance through financial institutions.The significance of this research study lies in the fact that it fills an important gap in the literature, offering a deeper understanding of how the access to capital affects the entrepreneurship in Kotli AJ&K. Future researchers can conduct similar studies on other entrepreneurial sectors in Kotli AJ&K and findings of this research study can be incorporated in entrepreneurship policies and guidelines


Dearth of Entrepreneurship in Kotli Azad Jammu & Kashmir.pdf

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