Published September 20, 2019 | Version 1
Dataset Open

Absolute frequency measurement of the 1 S 0 – 3 P 0 transition of 171 Yb with a link to International Atomic Time

  • 1. INRIM
  • 2. INRIM, Politecnico di Torino


Dataset of the INRIM Yb clock measured respect to TAI collected between October 2018 to February 2019.

YbvsSIm-viaEAL.dat: montly data with columns

MJDstart: start date in MJD
MJDstop: stop date in MJD
MJDmed: mid point date in MJD
MJDbaro: baricenter date in MJD
Ybduty: Yb clock duty time
y0=Yb/HM3: ratio between Yb clock and H Maser 03
u0: statistical uncertainty of y0
uB0: systematic uncertainty of y0
y1=extrap.: extrapolation over HM3
udead1: uncertainty of y1 from dead times
udrift1: uncertainty of y1 from HM3 drift
HM3drift/d: HM3 drift per day
udrift/d: uncertainty of HM3 drift
y2=HM3/UTCit: ratio between HM3 and UTC(IT)
u2: uncertainty of y2
y3=UTCit/TAI: ratio between UTC(IT) and TAI
u3: uncertainty of y3
y4=EALext.: extrapolation over EAL
udead4: uncertainty of y4 from dead times
udrift4: uncertainty of y4 from EAL drift
y5=-d: ratio between TAI and the SI second from Circular T
u5: uncertainty of y5
uA5:  statistical uncertainty of y5
uB5:  systematic uncertainty of y5
y=Yb/SI: final ratio beween the Yb clock and the Si second
uA: not used
uB: not used
u: uncertainty of y

YbvsTAId.dat: data every 5 days with columns:

MJDstart: start date in MJD
MJDstop: stop date in MJD
MJDmed: mid point date in MJD
MJDbaro: baricenter date in MJD
Ybduty: Yb clock duty time
y0=Yb/HM3: ratio between Yb clock and H Maser 03
u0: statistical uncertainty of y0
uB0: systematic uncertainty of y0
y1=extrap.: extrapolation over HM3
udead1: uncertainty of y1 from dead times
udrift1: uncertainty of y1 from HM3 drift
HM3drift/d: HM3 drift per day
udrift/d: uncertainty of HM3 drift
y2=HM3/UTCit: ratio between HM3 and UTC(IT)
u2: uncertainty of y2
y3=UTCit/TAI: ratio between UTC(IT) and TAI
u3: uncertainty of y3
y=Yb/TAI: final ratio beween the Yb clock and TAI
uA: not used
uB: not used
u: uncertainty of y



We acknowledge funding from the European Metrology Program for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) project 15SIB03 OC18, from the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (MSCA-RISE) project Q-SENSE (Grant Agreement Number 691156), from the Italian Space Agency (ASI) funding DTF-Matera, from the EMPIR project 18SIB05 ROCIT. The EMPIR initiative is co-funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the EMPIR Participating States.


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European Commission
Q-Sense – Quantum sensors - from the lab to the field 691156