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Published August 18, 2019 | Version v1
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The evolution of maternal birthing positions


Modrzejewska Elżbieta, Torbé Dorota, Torbé Andrzej. The evolution of maternal birthing positions. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2019;9(8):807-810. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI




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Received: 05.07.2019. Revised: 25.07.2019. Accepted: 18.08.2019.

















The evolution of maternal birthing positions


Elżbieta Modrzejewska1, Dorota Torbé2, Andrzej Torbé3


1Clinical Department of Pediatric Orthopedics and Traumatology, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Unii Lubelskiej 1, 71-252 Szczecin

2Doctoral Studium of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Pomeranian Medical University in

Szczecin, Żołnierska 54 str., 71-210 Szczecin, Poland

3Chair and Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pomeranian Medical University in

Szczecin, Powstańców Wielkopolskich Av. 72, 70-111 Szczecin Poland


Corresponding author:

Prof. dr hab. n. med. Andrzej Torbé

Chair and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin

al. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 72

70-354 Szczecin



Birth of a child is an unique time in the life of every woman. Unfortunately, labor is often one of the most painful and traumatic experiences suffered in her life. For a long time lying on the back position was the most commonly used birthing position. In many hospitals, women were even forced to give birth in this position. However, multiple studies revealed that the supine position is linked to multiple negative maternal and neonatal outcomes.

The purpose of this paper was to describe the history and advantages of alternative birthing positions.


Key words: birthing positions, history



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