There is a newer version of the record available.

Published September 13, 2019 | Version v0.2.6
Software Open

PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.core: v0.2.6

  • 1. Canadian Forest Service, Government of Canada
  • 2.


Known issues:

version 0.2.6 dependencies
  • R 3.5.0 is the minimum version required for SpaDES.core. Too many dependency packages are not maintaining their backwards compatibility.
  • added backports to Imports for R-oldrel support
  • removed googledrive dependency (this functionality moved to reproducible)
  • improved documentation for P, params, and parameters, thanks to Louis-Etienne Robert.
new features
  • update objSize.simList method with 2 new arguments from reproducible package
  • .robustDigest method for simList class objects now does only includes parameters that are listed within the module metadata, if Cache or .robustDigest is called within a module. This means that changes to parameter values in "other" modules will not affect the Caching of "the current" module.
  • New function outputObjectNames will extract just the object names of all outputObjects across modules
  • New function restartSpades and its associated options(spades.recoveryMode = 1), the new default, which is still experimental. Its purpose is to be able to restart a simulation in the case of an error or interruption.
  • Now gives better errors if modules are missing main .R file or if they are missing entirely
  • More silent tests
  • mod is now an active binding to sim[[currentModule(sim)]]$.objects (move from sim[[currentModule(sim)]]) and its parent environment is emptyenv(). This should cause no changes to users who use mod$..., but it will cause a change if user was calling objects directly via sim[[currentModule(sim)]]$.... This change is to separate the function enclosing environments and object enclosing environments, which should be different.
  • sim@completed is now an environment instead of a list. Of the three event queues, this one can become the largest. The list would get increasingly slow as the number of completed events increased. There should be no user visible changes when using completed(sim)
User visible changes to default options

spades.debug is now set to 1 spades.recoveryMode is new and set to 1 (i.e., the current event will be kept at its initial state)

bug fixes
  • Internal bugs during simInit especially in some weird cases of childModules.
  • packages listed in reqdPkgs not being loaded when only listed in child modules. Fixed in 5cd79ac95bc8d190e954313f125928458b0108d2.
  • fixed issue with saving simulation outputs at simulation end time.



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