NUS Republican China Weather Database
- 1. National U of Singapore
- 2. National Taiwan University
- 3. Independent
Systematic data on Chinese weather prior to 1949 is very sparse. Such data is important to better understand both long-term regional climate variability and the social and economic consequences of weather shocks. Here, we compile 463,025 instrumental observations of daily temperature, precipitation, and sunshine at up to 330 sites in China during the Nationalist era, 1912-49. The principal sources are monthly reports of the Institute of Meteorology, Nanjing, North China Meteorological Section of the Japanese Army, and observatories in Japanese-occupied Manchuria. This new dataset provides a valuable dataset for scientific and academic research.
Variable List
A. Name: station
Description: Station
B. Name: author
Description: Author
C. Name: source
Description: Source
D. Name: archive
Description: Archive
E. Name: year
Description: Year
F. Name: month
Description: Month
G. Name: day
Description: Day
H. Name: tmin
Description: Daily low temperature
I. Name: tmax
Description: Daily high temperature
J. Name: prec
Description: Daily precipitation
K. Name: ssd
Description: Daily sunshine hours
L. Name: archive
Description: Archive holding source
M. Name: latitude
Description: Latitude
N. Name: longitude
Description: Longitude
O. Name: elevation
Description: Elevation (metres)
P. Name: minmax
Description: Minimum temperature exceeds maximum
Q. Name: tmax_jump
Description: Jump in maximum temperature
R. Name: tmin_jump
Description: Jump in minimum temperature
S. Name: prec_jump
Description: Jump in precipitation
R. Name: tmin_jump
Description: Jump in sunshine hours
T. Name: tmax_hmm
Description: Maximum temperature corrected for rounding
U. Name: tmin_hmm
Description: Minimum temperature corrected for rounding
V. Name: prec_hmm
Description: Precipitation corrected for rounding
W. Name: tmin_hmm
Description: Sunshine hours corrected for rounding
X. Name: tmax_bp
Description: Break point in maximum temperature
Y. Name: tmin_bp
Description: Break point in minimum temperature
Z. Name: prec_bp
Description: Break point in precipitation
AA. Name: tmin_bp
Description: Break point in sunshine hours
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