Published November 30, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open



  • 1. Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The article deals with Y. Boyko-Blokhin's approach to the problem of comparative analysis of Slavic literatures in the context of contemporary comparative study (U. Weisstein, R. Wellek, D. Ďurišin, A. Dima, D. Nalivayko, D. Chizhevsky). The careful attention of the scholar to "peculiarities" of national development of literatures as a subject of the research is emphasized. Specifically, the interpretation by Y. Boyko-Blokhin of such concepts as "interaction" (not only as a rapprochement, but also as a mutual repulsion) and "influence" (primarily as a creative transformation of foreign artistic and aesthetic experience, and hence, as an impetus, impulse for own original creation) is thought through.
The opinion of the scholar as to characteristic aspects of the comparative study of East Slavic literatures is analyzed and the emphasis is given to the researcher's close attention to the question of national features of each of these literatures. The efficiency and potential of Y. Boyko-Blokhin's concept of comparative study of East Slavic literatures, aimed at understanding of their place in Common Slavic and West European literary space are substantiated. The importance of the scholar's thoughts about the need for "reformatting" ("reorienting") of the Slavic paradigm for the further development of this science (in view of unjustified "domination" of Russian literature over Ukrainian and Byelorussian literatures) is underlined.
The consideration is given to Y. Boyko-Blokhin's approach ("project") to compilation of the history of Slavic literatures (vector of which is oriented from the study of peculiarities of literary works towards comprehension of the style as a unifying principle), with an emphasis on comparison of national development trends. The recognition in this context of the progress of other art forms is regarded as fully compliant with the special attention paid by contemporary comparative studies to the problem of literature in the art system (U. Weisstein, D. Chizhevsky, D. Nalivayko)
The great importance for the continuous progress of Ukrainian comparative literature of the views of Y. Boyko-Blokhin, who developed traditions of national comparative studies and at the same time used the latest West European methodology, given the impossibility of its full-fledged advance during the Soviet period, is accentuated. The relevance of the scholar's thoughts and ideas for comparative world literature even nowadays is demonstrated.



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