Published May 31, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Вплив міграційних процесів на соціально-економічний розвиток України

  • 1. Навчально-науковий інститут права та психології НУ «Львівська політехніка»
  • 2. Львівський державний університету внутрішніх справ


It has been noted in the article that the problems of migration processes in Ukraine today attract an increased attention of the state officials, scientists and the public, and, undoubtedly, their special relevance is growing during the period of taking the important state decisions while voting in the electoral process, holding referendums, and implementing state programs of political, social and economic development of Ukraine.

Taking into account the theory and practice, problems of ensuring the directions of migration processes in Ukraine and their influence on social and economic development of the state have been researched.

The factors that have a destructive effect on the development of the state migration policy in Ukraine have been determined, and the positive role of the International Organization for Migration in the global migration movement and its influence on the activity of the state bodies of the country has been outlined.

The negative tendencies of the development of migration in the first years of independence in the national legislation on the issues of administrative accounting of the natural population movement have been pointed out, and the further intensification of the activities of state bodies on the updating and implementation of migration legislation and the expected process of long-term preparation for the national census has been underlined. Investigating the problems of migration processes in Ukraine, their influence on the demographic situation in the state has been indicated.

It has been noted that the data on population, its constituents and placement are the main source of information for the implementation of targeted state programs of political, social, and economic development and the definition of the administrative-territorial structure of the state.

Based on the analysis of the next population census, the reasons for its conduct have been mentioned, and one of the reasons is a sharp decline in the population, which has fallen by 9.5 million since 1991. Also, based on statistical data, the negative factors that have a destructive impact on the country's migration development, such as: labor force outflow as a result of labor migration, and low birth rate in Ukraine, which on December 1, 2018 from the total population is 42177579 people.

Based on the expert analysis of specialists in the migration sphere, has been indicated the need for demographic reform, which should include other reforms as components. At the same time, it has been noted that nowadays people are afraid to speak about it now, because there is some distrust in the society to the statistical service, and its numbers, and the census will reveal these problems and will show that in reality our situation may be even worse. Therefore, the question arises whether the authorities would like to show these problems related to the population census. Also, according to the author, one of the complications that may negatively affect the quality of the population census is the poor status of recording the registered citizens by place of residence. It's no secret that today in the state for various reasons, starting from evasion from the call for a regular military service, and illegal, temporary stay abroad and ending with the search for persons for the crime commission, and the list of such reasons is very long, a lot of Ukrainian citizens do not live at the place of their registration.

It has been noted that one of the factors that can positively affect the social and economic development of the state is money transfer and labor migrants’ savings. In addition, in assessing this problem, which is one of the gaps in the national migration law, the author, on the basis of analysis of the dynamics of the migration process, points to a factor which can not be overcome and on the reasons for the return of labor migration to Ukraine, when people, having earned a significant capital, keep it in banking institutions of the European Union and the Russian Federation, instead of placing it in the Ukrainian business as one of the elements of investment.



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