Published May 31, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Національний лісотехнічний університет України
  • 2. ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника»
  • 3. Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка


Creating conditions for the economic development of business entities is one of the important tasks of state economic policy. Such tasks require appropriate theoretical and methodological foundations and an effective, harmonized with the international European financial and credit system mechanism of financial support for the functioning of business entities, taking into account their characteristics and factors influencing sustainable development. The conditions of functioning of business entities have undergone significant changes under the influence of a whole range of political, economic, environmental, natural, social factors, which have led to the growing uneven economic development of the regions. The current state of structural transformation is characterized by the need to ensure the economic development of business entities as an important prerequisite for the balanced functioning of regions.

The external and internal factors of influence on the economic development of business entities are revealed, while external factors influence the internal ones that manifest themselves through them, changing the quantitative expressions of the latter. Three levels of factors that influence the financial stability of business entities and which should be taken into account in the field of management are substantiated.

The solution to the problem of ensuring the stability of business entities involves the analysis of internal and external factors that affect the financial stability of the enterprise. Summarizing the impact of factors on financial sustainability, it is necessary to group them as follows: partially managed factors include: claims of creditors, share of receivables and payables, level of inventories and finished goods, cash flow policy, value and structure of expenses of the enterprise, and not managed inflation, exchange rate fluctuations, tax system, product demand, industry competitive environment, economic stability.


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