Published August 22, 2019 | Version v1
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COMPOSITION Digital Factory Model XML Schema Documentation

  • 1. CERTH


Digital Factory Model (DFM) of COMPOSITION project aims at the digitalization of industrial aspects in order to provide a model of information elements  used for information exchange between COMPOSITION components. By using the documented schema, factory instances can be described in a common way.

The XML syntax has been selected for the implementation of DFM, as it provides a high level of simplicity, extensibility, interoperability and openness.

DFM’s implementation  is based on well-known standards:

- B2MML covers the basic package of DFM. B2MML offers basic data types for the domain of manufacturing as Assets, Equipment, Actors and Procedures. 

- gbXML and X3D covers the package which is related to the building information model

- BPMN covers the package of DFM which is related to business process list

- OGC Observations and Measurements for events and sensor measurements representation (The XML package is documented here. In the project this package has been replaced by its JSON implementation)

The above described packages are imported to DFM schema. All rights of the imported schemas/packages reserved to their respective owners who are cited in the references field. The documented schemas are available for download from owners web pages.   


The uploaded file provides a documentation of the COMPOSITION DFM schema in HTML representation. In order to use it unzip the file and open index.html in a web browser. This documentation aims to describe the following xsd files: 1. COMPOSITION DFM schema 2. COMPOSITION Common schema which contains some common types and elements definitions for the DFM schema's structure 3. B2MML schema which contains some modifications from the original schema as they introduced from SatisFactory EU project and contains some extra types for a more detailed representation of the factory's static information. The original B2MML schema is documented in details: 3. The rest of the imported schemas (OGC Observations and Measurements XML Implementation, gbXML version 5.12, BPMN20, x3d 3.3) that were used in their original forms. The detailed representation and description of the used existing standards are available in the corresponding web pages:


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European Commission
COMPOSITION – Ecosystem for Collaborative Manufacturing Processes – Intra- and Interfactory Integration and Automation 723145
