Published June 30, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Lviv National Agrarian University
  • 2. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • 3. Lutsk National Technical University


The algorithm of coordination of the content and time of operations execution in logistic systems of milk collection with manufacturing conditions was developed. The appropriateness of execution of eleven management operations ensuring coordination of collection-transport operations with daily volumes of arrival of raw milk material at its collection points was substantiated. The research was carried out based on the simulation of execution of collection-transport operations of various content, taking into consideration changing manufacturing conditions.

The prediction of the functional indicators in particular periods of the calendar year was performed based on simulation of operations execution in a logistic system of milk collection taking into account changing manufacturing conditions and possible options for the content of operations. It was substantiated that at an increase in the number of operations of milk collection, the quantitative values of the indicators of execution of these operations increase, while the quantitative values of the indicators of execution of transport operations decrease.

It was found that during the calendar year in a specified logistic system of milk collection, the content of collection and transportation operations and production conditions have a significant impact on their indicators. It was substantiated that the quantitative value of these indicators during the calendar year changes by 1.2…3 times. This is explained by a change in the volume of milk collection over a calendar year. The obtained results indicate the feasibility of daily coordination of the content of operations execution in an assigned logistic system of milk collection with production conditions.


Studying the influence of production conditions on the content of operations in logistic systems of milk collection.pdf

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