- 1. Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
This paper reports a procedure for borrowing the principles of body structure of sea creatures to design tillage tools. Work of tillage tools under conditions of low soil consolidation necessitates improving the streamlining, that is, the crushing and loosening must be ensured not by undercutting, but by cutting with sliding. The adopted criterion for design rationality is the magnitude of traction resistance. The analytical part of the general procedure makes it possible to calculate its magnitude. The novelty is the fact that the overall traction resistance is split into components whose magnitudes is calculated separately. This element is important because it makes it possible to proceed, during calculation, to rectilinear infinitesimal sections of the perimeter and to separately adapt the components of a cutting perimeter to the tilled environment.
The following elements in the identification of a biological analog and a technical prototype are given: frontal part (snout) → chisel-shaped ripper’s tip; lateral fins → pointed wings; vertical keel fin → crumbler. The result from identifying a biological analog and a technical prototype is the derived regression model of the cutting perimeter and working surface.
Based on the results of analytical studies, a mathematical model has been proposed of the interaction between a working body and soil. Special feature of the analytical model of interaction with a soil environment is that it is based on the conditions for unsupported cutting. The main provisions of the performed analytical studies have been confirmed by results from model experimental research, which showed a decrease in the traction resistance by 20 % on average, compared with the model of a standard working body. Such a result can only be obtained by reducing the friction forces, that is by improving the streamline capacity of a working surface. The novelty of the scientific results obtained is the complete adaptation of the working surfaces of a biological analog to working under conditions of a soil environment
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