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Published June 1, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open



  • 1. Associated Professor of State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia.


Learning is a process of deepening an ability that has the goal of achieving individual insight. The elements built are pre-learning, process, and learning outcomes which are done in classroom as usual. However, sometimes learning becomes so lack because low participation and motivation on learners then automatically can effect on his learning achievement (outcomes). Hard effort to provide teaching strategies and material academically already served by teachers but still found some learners who have low motivation to learn. Hence in this paper wants to investigate what are the else factors regarding with this case. The way to answer the research question, researcher uses analyzing inductive and deductively, or shortly called as library research. Result showed that another factors are actually found as psychology factor. It refers to learners? personality and capability to participate and catch the material given by the teacher. At least there are four important points found here, among others; intelligence factor, motivation factor, interest factor, and cognitive factor. Those must be paid attention for each teacher not only serving well academic classroom element.



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