There is a newer version of the record available.

Published July 25, 2019 | Version 0.5.0
Software Open

DamCB/tyssue: 0.5.0

  • 1. Morphogénie Logiciels SAS
  • 2. University of McGill
  • 3. J-K SciTech
  • 4. Gitter


Major rewrite of the rearangements

We now allow for rosettes to form, and split type1 transition in two steps: merging of edges bellow the critical length and spliting more than rank 3 vertices (or more than rank 4 in 3D). The splitting frequency is governed by two settings p_4 and p5p.This follows Finegan et al 2019. See doc/notebooks/Rosettes.ipynb for a demo.

A look a the diffs in sheet_topology and bulk_topology should convince the reader that this should result in a major increase in stability.

Automated reconnection is now treated as an event (treated by an EventManager instance), see tyssue.behavior.base_events.reconnect.

In EulerSolver, this avoids raising TopologyChangeError at least in explicit Euler. Topology changes in IVPSolver are not supported for now.

Viscous solver
  • added a bounds attribute to EulerSolver. This simply clips the displacement to avoid runaway conditions.
Core and topology
  • A new update_rank method allows to compute the rank of a vertex (as the number of flat edges connected to it). This required to move the connectivity module to utils to avoid circular imports.

  • We explicitly allow two sided faces to be created by collapse_edge or remove_face, they are directly eliminated.



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