Published July 18, 2019 | Version Summer 2019
Other Open

Collection of Papers: The Hybrid (Virtual Offsite / Traditional 'Brick and Mortar') Work Environment


The main topic of the collection of papers is the hybrid (virtual offsite / traditional ‘brick and mortar’) work environment and the effects, if any, on organizational design, structure, management, and human resource policies.  

Section One, the research papers, are titled: Organizational Design: The Hybrid (Combined Virtual / Traditional Office) Organization; The Hybrid Work Environment: The Business Process Argument for Adapting Organizational Structure; Organizational Management in the Hybrid (Combined Virtual Offsite  / Traditional ‘Brick and Mortar’) Transnational Organizations; and The Virtual Workforce: Adapting Human Resource Policies. *

Section Two, the stand-alone literature review, assembles, and in some cases edits, the reviews from each of the research papers listed in Section One. **  The objective of this section is to summarize, synthesize, and evaluate the current knowledge, as based on literature reviews of the research papers, regarding the impact of the hybrid (virtual offsite / traditional ‘brick and mortar’) practices on design, structure, management, and human resources..

* Note:  All papers, including the stand-alone literature review, were written by Donna L.Zeller, previously posted individually and are available online.  The objective of this text is to offer the information collectively in one resource.

** Note:  Whereas “a literature review that forms part of a research proposal or project also describes the gaps in the current knowledge that the project aims to address; a stand-alone literature review aims to summarize and evaluate the current knowledge of a specific topic” (, 2018).



Collection of Papers The Hybrid (Virtual Offsite Traditional ‘Brick and Mortar’) Work Environment.pdf