Published July 10, 2019 | Version v.2.0 - created using PWDB Algorithms v.0.1.1
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Simulated Arterial Pulse Waves Database (preliminary version)



This provides a brief overview of the database. Further details are provided at:

Background: The shape of the arterial pulse wave (PW) is a rich source of information on cardiovascular (CV) health, since it is influenced by both the heart and the vasculature. Consequently, many algorithms have been proposed to estimate clinical parameters from PWs. However, it is difficult and costly to acquire comprehensive datasets with which to assess their performance. We are aiming to address this difficulty by creating a database of simulated PWs under a range of CV conditions, representative of a healthy population. The database provided here is an initial version which has already been used to gain some novel insights into haemodynamics.

Methods: Baseline PWs were simulated using 1D computational modelling. CV model parameters were varied across normal healthy ranges to simulate a sample of subjects for each age decade from 25 to 75 years. The model was extended to simulate photoplethysmographic (PPG) PWs at common measurement sites, in addition to the pressure (ABP), flow rate (Q), flow velocity (U) and diameter (D) PWs produced by the model.

Validation: The database was verified by comparing simulated PWs with in vivo PWs. Good agreement was observed, with age-related changes in blood pressure and wave morphology well reproduced.

Conclusion: This database is a valuable resource for development and pre-clinical assessment of PW analysis algorithms. It is particularly useful because it contains several types of PWs at multiple measurement sites, and the exact CV conditions which generated each PW are known.

Future work: However, there are two limitations: (i) the database does not exhibit the wide variation in cardiovascular properties observed across a population sample; and (ii) the methods used to model changes with age have been improved since creating this initial version. Therefore, we are currently creating a more comprehensive database which addresses these limitations.

Accompanying Presentation: This database was originally presented at the BioMedEng18 Conference. The presentation describing the methods for creating the database, and providing an introduction to the database, is available at: . The accompanying abstract is available here.

Accompanying Manual: Further information on how to use the PWDB datasets, including this preliminary dataset, are provided in the user manual. Further details on the contents of the dataset files are available here.

Citation: When using this dataset please cite this publication:

Charlton P.H. et al. Modelling arterial pulse wave propagation during healthy ageing, In World Congress of Biomechanics 2018, Dublin, Ireland, 2018.

Version History:

- v.1.0: Originally uploaded to PhysioNet. This is the version which was used in the accompanying presentation.

- v.2.0: The initial upload to this DOI. The database was curated using the PWDB Algorithms v.0.1.1. It differs slightly from the originally reported version in that: (i) the augmentation pressure and index were calculated at the aortic root rather than the carotid artery.

Text adapted from: Charlton P.H. et al., 'A database for the development of pulse wave analysis algorithms', BioMedEng18, London, 2018.



This work was supported by the British Heart Foundation [PG/15/104/31913], the Wellcome EPSRC Centre for Medical Engineering at King's College London [WT 203148/Z/16/Z], and the King's College London & Imperial College London EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Medical Imaging [EP/L015226/1]. The authors acknowledge financial support from the Department of Health through the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Cardiovascular MedTech Co-operative at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT). The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the BHF, Wellcome Trust, EPSRC, NIHR or GSTT.


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  • Charlton P.H. et al. Modelling arterial pulse wave propagation during healthy ageing, In World Congress of Biomechanics 2018, Dublin, Ireland, 2018.
  • Charlton P.H. et al. A Database for the Development of Pulse Wave Analysis Algorithms, In BioMedEng18, London, UK, 2018.