Published July 9, 2019 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

FAIRplus D1.01 First 3 data sets from Pilots selected and available

  • 1. Fraunhofer E.V.
  • 2. University of Luxembourg
  • 3. Barcelona Supercomputing Centre
  • 4. Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
  • 5. Fraunhofer E.V,
  • 6. Bayer
  • 7. Novartis Pharmaceuticals
  • 8. University of Oxford


Candidate Pilot IMI projects (eTOX, ND4BB-TRANSLOCATION, ReSOLUTE, Aetionomy, OncoTrack and OPENPhacts) were initially identified based upon a long list highlighted in the DoA and through the FAIRplus partner network. Summaries of the activities and data sets available within these candidate Pilot IMI projects were collected via a survey tool, and further information was presented at the FAIRplus kick-off event by project owners. Following review, WP1 prioritized 4 IMI projects as Pilots, (eTOX, ND4BB-TRANSLOCATION, ReSOLUTE and OncoTrack). The prioritized Pilots were ratified by the General Assembly and formally selected. Each project was then assigned a key FAIRplus contact person, who worked with the data owners to identify, prioritise and release suitable data sets to the FAIRplus consortium, Squads and WP2 / 3 members. As of 30.06.2019, data sets have been released from eTOX, ND4BB-TRANSLOCATION and ReSOLUTE. OncoTrack is on course to release data in July 2019.


This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No. 802750. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation and EFPIA companies.


FAIRplus D1.01 Access_to_3_Pilot_Data_Sets_V1_4.docx-2.pdf

Files (586.4 kB)

Additional details


FAIRplus – FAIRplus 802750
European Commission