Published June 17, 2019 | Version v1
Other Open

PARTHENOS White Paper II: Share — Publish — Store — Preserve. Methodologies, Tools and Challenges for 3D Use in Social Sciences and Humanities. This White Paper is the result of the PARTHENOS Workshop held in Marseilles at MAP Lab. (France), February 25th - February 27th, 2019.

  • 1. CNRS-MAP, France
  • 2. Université de Bordeaux Montaigne, ArchXant, France
  • 3. I-Maginer, France
  • 4. Politecnico di Torino, Italy
  • 5. Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio del Molise, Italy
  • 6. CNRS, Archeovision Lab, France
  • 7. CNRS-MAP & LIA MAP-ISTI, France
  • 8. UMR 3495 CNRS/MC MAP, France
  • 9. CNRS-TGIR Huma-Num, France
  • 10. FBK-3DOM, Italy
  • 11. Université de Nantes-LARA, France
  • 12. ACDH-ÖAW, Austria
  • 13. University of Primorska, Slovenia
  • 14. ETIS, UMR8051, Université Paris-Seine, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, ENSEA, CNRS, France
  • 15. Kulturhistorisk Museum, Norway
  • 16. Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
  • 17. Universitat de Girona, Spain
  • 18. LiS/ETH Zürich, France
  • 19. Maastricht University, The Netherlands
  • 20. CNR-ISTI, Italy
  • 21. CNRS-CFEETK, Egypt
  • 22. Inria, France
  • 23. CICRP-MAP, France
  • 24. ZIM-ACDH, Karl Franzens Universität Graz, Austria


Through this White Paper, which gathers contributions from experts of 3D data as well as professionals concerned with the interoperability and sustainability of 3D research data, the PARTHENOS project aims at highlighting some of the current issues they have to face, with possible specific points according to the discipline, and potential practices and methodologies to deal with these issues.
During the workshop, several tools to deal with these issues have been introduced and confronted with the participants experiences, this White Paper now intends to go further by also integrating participants feedbacks and suggestions of potential improvements.
Therefore, even if the focus is put on specific tools, the main goal is to contribute to the development of standardized good practices related to the sharing, publication, storage and long-term preservation of 3D data.



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European Commission
PARTHENOS – Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies 654119