Published June 26, 2019 | Version v1
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Chapter 5. Sustainable Consumption and Production. In Lutter, S., Luks, F., Stagl, S. (Eds.), Towards a Socio-Ecological Transformation of the Economy. Background Report for "Growth in Transition"

  • 1. Institute for Ecological Economics, Vienna University of Business


Introduction: Why sustainable consumption and production? The central question of “Sustainable Consumption and production” (SCP) research is “How do humans thrive and, at the same time, use less, waste less, and pollute less?” A socio-ecological transformation of the provisioning systems of goods and services that support human flourishing is necessary in order to avoid the negative effects of current consumption levels and production methods. The increasing pressures on natural resources worldwide used by current human activity leading to global climate change, biodiversity loss, polluted ecosystems, and the like (as described in Chapter 1) and the macro-and microeconomic challenges related to environmental damages (discussed in Chapter 2) originate from the individual and collective practices of consumption and production. Therefore, SCP is the lynchpin challenge for achieving a socio-ecological transformation towards sustainability, both in developed and developing regions.   This Chapter references CLIC work; however the Chapter has a broader scope, and is not funded by CLIC.


Chapter 5 of the report references the work of CLIC at the Vienna University of Economics and Business within the frame of Sustainable Consumption and Production. It exposes CLIC to a broader audience interested in sustainable development. Further, by referencing CLIC work in this Chapter, the WU has expanded the conception of adaptive reuses of cultural heritage to sustainable consumption and production. We believe this is a new contribution to CLIC. Please note; however, that Chapter 5 was not funded by CLIC. It is provided here as a reference.



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Stephan Lutter, Fred Luks, Sigrid Stagl

Institute for Ecological Economics / Vienna University of Economics and Business

(WU Vienna)

Welthandelsplatz 1/D5

1020 Vienna, Austria

The Initiative Growth in Transition, which was launched in 2008, brings together

transformation activists and decision makers from politics, science, the economy

and civil society and promotes dialogue and an exchange of perspectives on

growth, prosperity and quality of life. It provides an international platform which

aims to address questions of growth and an alternative, sustainable economy.

The initiative is organised by the Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism.

Media owner and publisher:

Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Directorate-General IV–Climate,Directorate IV/3–Sustainable Finance and Regional Economic Policy, Directorate IV/6–

EU Coordination Climate and Environment

Stubenbastei 5,1010 Wien

Contact: Caroline.Vogl-

The author's opinions expressed in this background report are not necessarily

those of the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism.


Gerda Palmetshofer



November 2018

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European Commission
CLIC – CLIC - Circular models Leveraging Investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse 776758