Published June 28, 2024 | Version v8.2.0
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MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Model: MPAS Version 8.2.0

  • 1. NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research
  • 2. @Google
  • 3. Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • 4. LANL
  • 5. National Center for Atmospheric Research
  • 6. Los Alamos National Lab
  • 7. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Earth System Research Laboratory, Global Systems Division
  • 8. NSF NCAR
  • 9. OU
  • 10. Sandia National Labs


This release of MPAS introduces several significant changes to MPAS-Atmosphere.

New physics

  • The Noah-MP v5.0.1 land-surface model is now available by setting config_lsm_scheme = 'sf_noahmp' in the &physics namelist group.

    • New static files that include the soilcomp, soilcl1, soilcl2, soilcl3, and soilcl4 fields are required when activating Noah-MP in the model.
  • The aerosol-aware Thompson microphysics (as in WRF v4.1.4) is available by setting config_microp_scheme = 'mp_thompson_aerosols' in the &physics namelist group.

    • An aerosol climatology file (QNWFA_QNIFA_SIGMA_MONTHLY.dat) is used when running the init_atmosphere_model program to produce initial and lateral boundary conditions for nifa and nwfa.

Physics changes

  • Physics schemes in the physics_mmm directory are now obtained from a separate, shared MMM-physics repository at compile time using the manage_externals tool.

  • The revised Monin-Obukhov scheme replaces the Monin-Obukhov scheme in the 'mesoscale_reference' suite.

GPU capabilities

  • The scalar transport code has been ported to GPUs using OpenACC directives.

    • The atmosphere core must be compiled with OPENACC=true.
    • Additional timers in the log file capture host-device data transfer times.


  • The build system no longer requires an intermediate clean step when compiling one core before another.



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