Published June 3, 2019 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

URBAN-WASTE prevention and management strategies and guidelines for implementation

  • 1. ORDIF
  • 1. MNCA
  • 2. Ambiente Italia
  • 3. City of Copenhagen
  • 4. Municipality of Lisbon
  • 5. ULPGC
  • 6. City of Santander
  • 8. BIOAZUL
  • 9. UCPH
  • 10. Regione Toscana
  • 11. Consulta Europa
  • 12. Cabildo de Tenerife
  • 13. FRCT
  • 14. BOKU
  • 15. DUNEA
  • 16. Municipality of Syracuse
  • 17. Municipality of Nicosia


WP4 was aimed at developing eco-innovative, collectively-based and gender-sensitive waste prevention and management strategies to reduce the amount of municipal waste production by developing reuse, recycling, and selective collection of waste in cities with high levels of tourism.

The present deliverable is the product of several tasks (4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5) from WP4 and was based on the input of WP2 (Operationalizing urban metabolism) and WP3 (Mobilization of stakeholders) that gave the basis for the strategies’ definition. WP6 in particular tasks 6.3 (implementation of selected measures) and 6.4 (monitoring systems) enabled to capitalize the lessons learnt during the implementation phase, and to identify the possible fine-tuning to make more efficient the measures that have been implemented.

D4.1 “URBAN-WASTE prevention and management strategies and guidelines for implementation” provides the description of each pilot case in terms of tourism characteristics, waste management, stakeholders, the process of selection of measures and the results and feedback from their implementation.

It provides also a thorough description of the waste prevention and management measures designed, defining their objectives and targets, type of waste addressed, operational steps to be taken, the potential solutions for the financing of the measure, guidelines for monitoring and set up evaluation indicators. In addition, each description of measure compiles mains results obtained and key points identified during the implementation phase in the different pilot cases. Its whole content constitutes guidelines for policy makers.


D4.1 URBAN-WASTE prevention and management strategies and guidelines for implementation.pdf

Additional details


European Commission
UrBAN-WASTE – Urban strategies for Waste Management in Tourist Cities 690452