Published March 24, 2018 | Version v1
Other Open

Summary for policymakers of the regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Europe and Central Asia of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Appendix 5.1



List of reviewed vision studies

Synthesis table of reviewed visions. Columns refer to activity sector, main actors involved in vision development, year of vision, main goals (PS: policy support, BS: business support, QoL: quality of life), elements in vision (Nature, NCP: nature’s contributions to people, QoL-NCP: QoL supported by NCP, QoL-other: QoL supported by other factors (e.g. jobs, education)). Open dots indicate that the vision only refers to the environment in general, B and E indicate that the vision only refers to biodiversity and ecosystem services respectively; NCP categories: M – material, R – regulating, NM – non-material.



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Report: 10.5281/zenodo.3237468 (DOI)