EMG and Video Dataset for sensor fusion based hand gestures recognition
- 1. Institute of Neuroinformatics, UZH/ETH Zurich
This dataset contains data for hand gesture recognition recorded with 3 different sensors.
sEMG: recorded via the Myo armband that is composed of 8 equally spaced non-invasive sEMG sensors that can be placed approximately around the middle of the forearm. The sampling frequency of Myo is 200 Hz. The output of the Myo is a.u
DVS: Dynamic Video Sensor which is a very low power event-based camera with 128x128 resolution
DAVIS: Dynamic Video Sensor which is a very low power event-based camera with 240x180 resolution that also acquires APS frames.
The dataset contains recordings of 21 subjects. Each subject performed 3 sessions, where each of the 5 hand gesture was recorded 5 times, each lasting for 2s. Between the gestures a relaxing phase of 1s is present where the muscles could go to the rest position, removing any residual muscular activation.
Note: All the information for the DVS sensor has been extracted and can be found in the *.npy files. In case the raw data (.aedat) was needed please contact
==== README ====
EMG, DVS and APS recordings
21 subjects
3 sessions for each subject
5 gestures in each session ('pinky', 'elle', 'yo', 'index', 'thumb')
- relax21_raw_emg.zip: contains raw sEMG and annotations (ground truth of gestures) in the format `subjectXX_sessionYY_ZZZ` with `XX` subject ID (01 to 21), `YY` session ID (01-03) and `ZZZ` that can be ‘emg’ or ‘ann’.
- relax21_raw_dvs.zip: contains the full-frame dvs events in an array with dimensions 0 -> addr_x, 1 -> addr_y, 2 -> timestamp, 3 -> polarity. The timestamps are in seconds and synchronized with the Myo. Each file is in the format `subjectXX_sessionYY_dvs` with `XX` subject ID (01 to 21), `YY` session ID (01-03).
- relax21_cropped_aps.zip: contains the 40x40 pixel aps frames for all subjects and trials in the format `subjectXX_sessionYY_Z_W_K` with `XX` subject ID (01 to 21), `YY` session ID (01-03), Z gesture ('pinky', 'elle', 'yo', 'index', 'thumb’), W trial ID (1-5), `K` frame index.
- relax21_cropped_dvs_emg_spikes.pkl: spiking dataset that can be used to reproduce the results in the paper. The dataset is a dictionary with the following keys:
- - y: array of size 1xN with the class (0->4).
- - sub: array of size 1xN with the subject id (1->10).
- - sess: array of size 1xN with the session id (1->3).
- - dvs: list of length N, each object in the list is a 2d array of size 4xT_n where T_n is the number of events in the trial and the 4 dimensions rappresent: 0 -> addr_x, 1 -> addr_y, 2 -> timestamp, 3 -> polarity .
- - emg: list of length N, each object in the list is a 2d array of size 3xT_n where T_n is the number of events in the trial and the 3 dimensions rappresent: 0 -> addr, 1 -> timestamp, 3 -> polarity.